A call for internationalism
From our readers: May Day 2022 remarks
by Bob KosuthBob Kosuth, in his remarks from May Day 2022, argues for the centrality of an internationalist perspective in our political work.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
From our readers: May Day 2022 remarks
by Bob KosuthBob Kosuth, in his remarks from May Day 2022, argues for the centrality of an internationalist perspective in our political work.
Interview with Nimanthi Rajasingham
by Nagesh RaoNagesh Rao spoke to Nimanthi Rajasingham about the roots of the crisis in Sri Lanka and the nature of the protests.
A transcript from the Tempest Collective sponsored panel on May 22, 2022.
Reports from the front
by TempestTempest follows up on our previous roundup of reports from the front, which covered protests around the country in response to the leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Simon Hannah reviews the varied Left positions in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and how to understand Lenin’s position of “revolutionary defeatism” in the current war.
Jacobin’s misdirection on Bowman and DSA
by Joel ReinsteinJoel Reinstein unpacks Liza Featherstone’s recent defense of DSA’s ostensible solidarity with Palestine, and finds logical fallacies and factual mistakes.
Reports from the front
by TempestTempest follows up on last week’s series of reports from the front with additional abortion rights protests and more upcoming actions this weekend around the country in response to the leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Turn majority support into mass action
by Haley Pessin & Natalia TylimEven though popular support for abortion rights stands at more than two-thirds, the Supreme Court seems dead set on overturning Roe v. Wade. Haley Pessin and Natalia Tylim look at why this majority hasn’t ruled in official politics and the kind of organizing it will take to turn things around.
More reflections on the ten-year anniversary
by TempestTempest Collective members reflect on the ten year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.
Tempest Collective members reflect on the anniversary of OWS
by TempestTempest Collective members reflect on the ten-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.