Report from Bogotá
“People of Palestine, Colombia is with you!”
by Joel SronceJoel Sronce reports on a major Palestine solidarity demonstration by workers and the Left in Colombia.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
“People of Palestine, Colombia is with you!”
by Joel SronceJoel Sronce reports on a major Palestine solidarity demonstration by workers and the Left in Colombia.
Readers’ Views
by John LawrenceTempest reader John Lawrence writes in support of amendments to DSA convention proposals on internationalism and Ukraine solidarity.
In recognition of the urgency of the situation in Sudan and in internationalist solidarity, Tempest reprints two items published by the MENA Solidarity Network.
An Interview with Ukrainian socialist Vladyslav Starodubstev
by Ashley Smith and Vladyslav StarodubstevAshley Smith of the Tempest Collective interviews Vladyslav Starodubstev on the one-year anniversary of the war about the struggle for internationalist solidarity in Ukraine and Palestine.
Russian socialists on the invasion of Ukraine and the delusions of Western “pacifists”
by Émigré Branch of the Russian Socialist MovementA statement by the Émigré Branch of the Russian Socialist Movement on the anniversary of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
A joint solidarity statement on the protests in China by New Politics, Spectre, and Tempest.
A call for the freedom of the political prisoners of the Iranian regime.
by TempestTempest re-publishes a statement in solidarity with the political prisoners of the Iranian Regime.
A resolution on Putin’s invasion, war, and the future of Ukraine and the left movement passed by Sotsialnyi Rukh/ Social Movement (Ukraine) at its recent September 2022 convention.
On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination and Marxism
by Grusha GilaevaGrusha Gilaeva analyzes the positions of Marx and Lenin on the national question and explains why the Left must support the anti-colonial struggle of Ukraine.
A conversation with Donna Murch and Naomi Murakawa
by Naomi MurakawaDonna Murch’s latest book is Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives. Naomi Murakawa spoke to her soon after its release.