Reflections on Emily the Criminal
A film review
by Samuel FarberSamuel Farber reviews the film Emily the Criminal and its portrayal of a sympathetic working-class person forced into a life of crime.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A film review
by Samuel FarberSamuel Farber reviews the film Emily the Criminal and its portrayal of a sympathetic working-class person forced into a life of crime.
The continuing relevance of High Noon
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy revisits the Hollywood classic High Noon.
A review of “All Quiet on the Western Front”
by Thomas HummelThomas Hummel reviews the film “All Quiet on the Western Front,” a new adaptation of the classic anti-war novel.
A review of Soderbergh’s No Sudden Move
by Glenn AllenGlenn Allen reviews Steven Soderbergh’s No Sudden Move—released in 2021 and set in 1950s Detroit—and finds a delightful political film noir.
Don’t Look Up : Disaster spectacle as political satire
by Ricardo Gabriel, Thomas Hummel, & Adam TurlTempest Collective members Ricardo Gabriel, Thomas Hummel, and Adam Turl offer three different takes on the disaster movie Don’t Look Up.