DSA’s budget crisis has been a long time coming
The sick man of the socialist movement
by Andy SernatingerAndy Sernatinger assesses the severe budget crisis that has surfaced within the Democratic Socialists of America.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The sick man of the socialist movement
by Andy SernatingerAndy Sernatinger assesses the severe budget crisis that has surfaced within the Democratic Socialists of America.
Another view
by Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter SolenbergerThe window for revolutionaries in the DSA is still open, if “open” means the opportunity to work with other socialists in the unions and movements, to win a layer of activists to revolutionary politics, and to advance the projects of left and revolutionary regroupment, argue Tempest members Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter Solenberger.
Andy Sernatinger looks at the crisis facing the Democratic Socialists of America, arguing that DSA’s ‘moment’ has passed.
A reflection on the DSA Convention
by Jonah ben AvrahamThe DSA voted to dissolve the BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group (BDSWG) and force it into the International Committee despite protest from both groups. To ignore the gravity of this decision and its implications would be a disastrous mistake–a mistake reflected in the celebration of the new DSA leadership.
Andy Sernatinger analyzes the developments from DSA’s 2023 National Convention.
The Left, Bidenomics, and socialist strategy
by Ashley SmithTempest’s Ashley Smith describes how Joe Biden’s economic program represents “imperialist Keynesianism” designed to rival China, ameliorate domestic social inequalities, and neutralize challenges from both the Left and the Trumpian right. The Left must build an alternative.
DSA and the revolutionary Left
by Natalia TylimAhead of the Democratic Socialists of America’s 2023 Convention, Natalia Tylim assesses the state of the organization.
Readers’ Views
by John LawrenceTempest reader John Lawrence writes in support of amendments to DSA convention proposals on internationalism and Ukraine solidarity.
An opportunity for the Left
by Kirstin RobertsKirstin Roberts argues that given the stark political choice, the broad mobilization of left and movement forces in support of Brandon Johnson, and the groundwork laid over the last decade by union and social struggles in Chicago, the elections offer real opportunities for socialists committed to political independence.
Harold Washington’s 1983 campaign redux?
by Joe AllenJoe Allen sets the Chicago mayoral election in historical context and argues that the choice on offer, however stark, also reflects the political limits of the strength of the Left and our (social and trade union) movements.