Reflections on Emily the Criminal
A film review
by Samuel FarberSamuel Farber reviews the film Emily the Criminal and its portrayal of a sympathetic working-class person forced into a life of crime.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A film review
by Samuel FarberSamuel Farber reviews the film Emily the Criminal and its portrayal of a sympathetic working-class person forced into a life of crime.
An interview with Kasope Aleshinloye
by Emma Wilde BottaEmma Wilde Botta speaks with Lagos-based Kasope Aleshinloye amidst an ongoing anti-police brutality movement
An independent look at police reform and community safety
by Marc PessinMarc Pessin reports on the obstacles to police reform in Rockland County, New York.
The federal death penalty shifts into overdrive
by Lee WengrafAs Trump ramps up federal executions, veteran abolitionist, Lee Wengraf, lays out the recent history of the death penalty and abolitionist attempts to defeat it.