Priming the Philippines for a “globalized NATO”
by Rasti Delizo
Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO.
A Trans genre meditation on queerness
by Eric MaroneyIn recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Awareness Week, Eric Maroney meditates on what it means to be Black and transgender in white-supremacist, capitalist society. In spite of carceral logics and practices alongside intimately felt gender discipline, Maroney finds reason for hope in queer and abolitionist kinship.
Revisiting the X-Men’s God Loves, Man Kills
by Hank KennedyTempest member Hank Kennedy looks back at the X-Men comic God Loves, Man Kills, which inspired a surprising fight with the famed televangelist Pat Robertson who passed away earlier this year.
A critique of Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation”
by Ruben Jaramillo and Héctor A. RiveraIn this article, Ruben Jaramillo and Héctor A. Rivera critically examine the impact of the “Fourth Transformation” under Mexico’s president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism
by Paul Fleckenstein and Gareth DaleDegrowth identifies and critiques growth as fundamental to the capitalist system. Growth enriches property owners and the wealthy, leaving the rest of humanity behind with devastating environmental consequences. Tempest member Paul Fleckenstein interviews Gareth Dale on the politics of degrowth and the critique of the ideology of growth in capitalist society.
Part two, Socialism and Disability Justice roundtable, Socialism 2022
by Dana Cloud and Nina LozanoIn this second article of two (the first is here) on disability justice and socialism, from a roundtable held at Socialism 2022, Dana Cloud and Nina Lozano explore the history of social movements by people with disabilities and suggest lessons for socialist practice today.
Part one: Disability and socialism roundtable, Socialism 2022
by Keith RosenthalIn this first article of two on disability justice and socialism, from a roundtable held at Socialism 2022, Keith Rosenthal explains how the category of disability and oppression based on ability are rooted in the capitalist economic system.
An Interview with author David Camfield
by Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-WenglerTempest members Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-Wenglerinterviewed David Camfield about his newest book, Future on Fire: Capitalism and the Politics of Climate Change.
Disease, death, and capitalist abstraction
by Sam FriedmanThere are effective vaccines for COVID-19 and effective treatments for HIV/AIDS, but both remain global epidemics. Medical researcher Sam Friedman explains how the profit system is limiting the reach of life-saving medicines.
A poem by Sam Friedman
by Sam FriedmanIn this poem, Tempest member Sam Friedman considers how, through collective work, we can resist the apocalyptic threats of capitalism.