Reimagining anti-imperialist praxis in DSA
by Promise Li
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.
Debating DSA’s international work
by Natalia TylimIn the aftermath of the “state visit” to Venezuela by DSA officials, Natalia Tylim analyses the debate within the organization, and argues for more democratic deliberation and a greater appreciation of the diversity of the Latin American Left before DSA aligns itself to any ruling parties or states.
Dennis Fritz describes unsafe working conditions at FedEx Ground in Niles, Illinois.
A response to DSA’s Class Unity caucus
by Felipe BascuñánFelipe B. responds to a debate on the Left about the relationship between oppression and class and why getting the answer right is essential to forging a united class struggle.
Ranked-choice voting and proportional representation
by Howie HawkinsHowie Hawkins argues for ranked choice voting and proportional representation as part of the fight to defend and expand democratic rights.
Sam Salour summarizes an important new book that maps the recent uprisings in North Africa and West Asia.
How we’re voting in 2021 and why
by Natalia Tylim & Andy SernatingerTempest Collective’s DSA Committee discussed and voted on which proposals we are supporting or opposing. This document lists our positions with brief explanations to our reasoning.
Sudip Battacharya argues that the socialist movement must take up the defense of voting rights as a matter of principle, and part of the basic struggle for the extension of democracy.
An introduction to two convention proposals
by Andy SernatingerAndy Sernatinger explains two proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws of the Democratic Socialists of America, “National Referendum” (C2) and “For a Leadership Elected by and Accountable to the Membership” (C5), or “Recall” for short.
In the aftermath of the outpouring of Palestinian resistance to Israel’s latest escalation of its policy of slow-motion ethnic cleansing, Joseph Daher analyses the strategic alternatives for the Palestinian struggle.