Support Palestinians when they fight
Not just when they die
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham takes a critical look at the Left’s responses to Palestinian resistance.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Not just when they die
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham takes a critical look at the Left’s responses to Palestinian resistance.
A reflection on the DSA Convention
by Jonah ben AvrahamThe DSA voted to dissolve the BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group (BDSWG) and force it into the International Committee despite protest from both groups. To ignore the gravity of this decision and its implications would be a disastrous mistake–a mistake reflected in the celebration of the new DSA leadership.
A response to Charlie Post
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham responds to Charlie Post on how to understand the relationship between the electoral far right and fascist forces and what this means for threats to bourgeois democracy and the strategies for the Left.
Jonah ben Avraham addresses the antisemitic social media outbursts by Kanye West and Kyrie Irving and places them in the context and continuum of the wider growth of antisemitism, cultivated within ruling class and right-wing media and politics.
Obscuring the map
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham critically unpacks the controversy over the BDS Boston Mapping Project.
White supremacy and antisemitism in Colleyville
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham argues that the Colleyville attack is not evidence of a specifically leftist or Muslim antisemitism, but follows the same logic of white supremacist antisemitism as other attacks.
A review of Enzo Traverso’s The Jewish Question; History of a Marxist Debate
by Jonah ben AvrahamJonah ben Avraham reviews Enzo Traverso’s The Jewish Question History of a Marxist Debate, revised and updated from Haymarket Books.