How should socialists think about political tradition?
by David Camfield
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
Review of If We Burn
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield reviews a new book by journalist Vincent Bevins surveying “mass protest explosions” around the world between 2010 and 2020.
A review of Max Ajl’s A People’s Green New Deal
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield reviews Max Ajl’s new book, A People’s Green New Deal
Does it matter what socialists think about Trotsky today?
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield writes that on the 80th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s assassination, even as we move further from the conditions that defined the Trotskyist movement of last century, a critical appreciation of his politics remains necessary for the emerging socialist Left.