New articles
Uprising in Kenya
Tempest reprints an article on the Kenyan revolt from the Review of African Political Economy by Zachary Patterson.
Trump’s danger isn’t that he’s a fascist
Dan Davison and Sacha Marten argue that Donald Trump is best understood as oscillating in a middle space between conventional Republicans and the fascist right.
Bangladeshis march for Gaza
Ganesh Lal reported briefly on May 4 from Dhaka, Bangladesh and followed up soon after to provide context. Today (May 9), organizers plan to march to the U.S. embassy.
Palestine solidarity on two Southern California campuses
While pro-Palestine encampments sprung up at major universities across the United States, Héctor Rivera and Dana Cloud found spirited, inspiring protests on their own campuses, Pasadena City College and California State University, Fullerton.
SF educators strike for Palestine
Alex Schmaus reports on labor actions for Palestine in the Bay Area and one high school that educators shut down on May Day.
Palestine and the Arab Revolution
A panel discussion featuring revolutionaries from around the region talking about the inextricable ties between Palestinian liberation and liberation across the region, and its special relevance in this crucial historic moment.