Tag: strike support
UAW revs up historic strike
Héctor Rivera reports on a spirited UAW rally in Rancho Cucamonga as the strike continues.
Solidarity with Twin City educators
A transcript from the March 3 roundtable event to discuss the context of the ongoing Minneapolis educators strike.
Victory to the Minneapolis strikers!
Darrin Hoop reports on the Minneapolis educators’ strike, beginning today, on International Womens’ Day. He highlights how the anti-racist fight is at the center of the demands of the strike and the political energies earned from the struggle for justice for George Floyd.
Not so…grrrrrrreat!
The eleven-week strike against Kellogg’s ended on December 21 when workers represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers’ International Union (BCTGM) ratified the latest contract proposal (Agreement). The biggest issue for most of the 1,400 strikers was ending the longstanding two-tier wage and employment structure, which condemned a large part of the…
Joe Allen looks at the realities of the recent strike waves, including a number of “no” votes on contract ratification, and the role and meaning of worker solidarity for socialists.