Tag: Strategy
Legacy of activism
Tempest sponsored event on the legacy and urgency of the mass movement in defense of abortion. Dana Cloud, Megan Lessard, and Lluvia (“Rayito”) del Rayo Rocha Perez speak on the legacy and ongoing fight for reproductive rights in North America.
The IPCC Report and the socialist way forward
Thomas Hummel elaborates on the ecological and political implications of the most recent IPCC report.
The outlines of opposition in a post-Trump U.S.A.
Peter Ikeler assesses the multi-dimensional crises facing the U.S., the development of antagonistic social movements under the pressure of these crises, and offers some tentative strategic conclusions on the question of organization for the U.S. Left.
From militant to Washington insider
Tim Goulet discusses the life and death of AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.
Socialist strategy and the party
Gilbert Achcar looks at the “broad party” question and its implications for socialist strategy today.
2021 DSA Convention
Members of the Tempest Collective offer running commentary and analysis, as elected delegates, on the 2021 DSA Convention.
Seattle educators endorse BDS
Seattle Education Association member Darrin Hoop interviews six other members of the union who organized to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine.
A history of revolutionary class struggle
Steve Leigh reviews the new book The Fight for Workers’ Power by authors Mick Armstrong and Tom Bramble.
Reimagining anti-imperialist praxis in DSA
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.