Tag: Socialism
International Statement of Support for the Workers Left Front – Unity (FIT–U) in Argentina
Statement of support, endorsed by the Tempest Collective, for the Workers Left Front- Unity (FIT-U) in Argentina, ahead of the national legislative elections on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
After the coup in Sudan
Joseph Daher analyzes the current situation in Sudan after the military-backed coup last month.
The outlines of opposition in a post-Trump U.S.A.
Peter Ikeler assesses the multi-dimensional crises facing the U.S., the development of antagonistic social movements under the pressure of these crises, and offers some tentative strategic conclusions on the question of organization for the U.S. Left.
Socialist strategy and the party
Gilbert Achcar looks at the “broad party” question and its implications for socialist strategy today.
2021 DSA Convention
Members of the Tempest Collective offer running commentary and analysis, as elected delegates, on the 2021 DSA Convention.
Reader’s response to the Call for the release of detainees in Cuba
Richard Smith offers a primer on socialism from below, working class self-emancipation, and the dangers of substitute liberators.
A history of revolutionary class struggle
Steve Leigh reviews the new book The Fight for Workers’ Power by authors Mick Armstrong and Tom Bramble.
Reimagining anti-imperialist praxis in DSA
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.
Why Referendum and Recall
Andy Sernatinger explains two proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws of the Democratic Socialists of America, “National Referendum” (C2) and “For a Leadership Elected by and Accountable to the Membership” (C5), or “Recall” for short.