Tag: Social movements
Being a socialist means being pro-abortion
Moira Geary explains why abortion rights are facing their most dire setback to date and what socialists can do to defend them.
Ten years since Occupy Wall Street
Tempest Collective members reflect on the ten-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.
From militant to Washington insider
Tim Goulet discusses the life and death of AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.
Seattle educators endorse BDS
Seattle Education Association member Darrin Hoop interviews six other members of the union who organized to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine.
Striking echoes in Iran
Nasrin and Sam Salour report on the growing strike movement in Iran and analyze the historic dynamics and ironies in the strike, and what it means for the theocratic regime.
Reimagining anti-imperialist praxis in DSA
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.
How not to unite a class
Felipe B. responds to a debate on the Left about the relationship between oppression and class and why getting the answer right is essential to forging a united class struggle.
Twin Cities bus drivers and anti-racist action
Paul KD interviews Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 member Adam Burch about the union and the anti-racist action it took during the uprising in Minneapolis last summer.
New Jersey Communists in the 1920s
Tim Goulet reviews The Red Thread: The Passaic Textile Strike by Jacob Zumoff