Tag: Social movements
CTU election
Joe Allen examines the context of the 2022 CTU elections, the impact of its leadership on Chicago politics, teacher unionism, and the trade union movement nationally, and argues for the importance of a vote for CORE.
Reflections on building the third camp
Since the 1960s, Cuban-born Samuel Farber has been an activist and writer with a third camp, anti-capitalist, anti-Stalinist perspective. He talked to Kent Worcester about his political development, his experiences—and his reflections on people, movements, and organizations—from his earliest years to today.
The fight back to defend abortion rights begins
Tempest follows up on last week’s series of reports from the front with additional abortion rights protests and more upcoming actions this weekend around the country in response to the leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Next steps to regain abortion rights
Even though popular support for abortion rights stands at more than two-thirds, the Supreme Court seems dead set on overturning Roe v. Wade. Haley Pessin and Natalia Tylim look at why this majority hasn’t ruled in official politics and the kind of organizing it will take to turn things around.
Mobilize on December 1 for abortion rights
Linda Loew replies to Tempest coverage of recent abortion justice organizing and mobilizing and calls attention to an important day of action on December 1, including information for local mobilizations.
Which strategy for the climate movement?
Simo Dorn reviews books by Noam Chomsky and Andreas Malm addressing the question, how can the climate movement win?
Let the record show—a review
Sherry Wolf reviews this pathbreaking history of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) founded to fight the AIDS/HIV crisis in New York in the late 1980s
Legacy of activism
Tempest sponsored event on the legacy and urgency of the mass movement in defense of abortion. Dana Cloud, Megan Lessard, and Lluvia (“Rayito”) del Rayo Rocha Perez speak on the legacy and ongoing fight for reproductive rights in North America.
Occupy Wall Street goes national
Tempest Collective members reflect on the ten year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.