Tag: Public education
Ocean Hill-Brownsville and the Freedom Schools of 1968
The following piece is an account of the 1968 Ocean Hill-Brownsville Strike by former teacher and rank-and-file activist in the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Marc Pessin.
Reflections on the Oakland teachers’ strike
Bill Balderston assesses the challenges and victories of the Oakland educators strike.
Resisting the backlash
Speakers on the Tempest Panel “Resisting the Backlash, Defending Black Studies” look to educator organizing and labor movements in higher education as inspiring sites of struggle to defend Black studies against the right-wing backlash.
Solidarity with the CTU!
Solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union as they stand against the unsafe opening of the schools.
The rank-and-file strategy goes to school
New York City school teacher Peter Allen Lamphere explains the role of a rank and file caucus in advancing class struggles and shares some insights regarding recent socialist debates.
The most important week of our profession
Andy Sernatinger interviews five members of the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) about fighting for safe learning conditions in New York City Schools