Tag: COVID-19
Fatal abstractions
There are effective vaccines for COVID-19 and effective treatments for HIV/AIDS, but both remain global epidemics. Medical researcher Sam Friedman explains how the profit system is limiting the reach of life-saving medicines.
Where is the Left on pandemic politics?
Justin Feldman and Sam Friedman discuss the shortcomings of the Left in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and try to trace a path forward.
Striking back! Labor strategy in the pandemic
This is a lightly edited transcript of the panel on labor struggle and strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic, organized by the Tempest Collective. It features Elizabeth Lalasz, Kirstin Roberts, Kim Moody, and Joe Burns, and is chaired by Paul KD.
This isn’t normal
An upcoming Tempest Collective event on the role of capitalism in exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strike back! Labor strategy in the pandemic
An announcement for a Tempest Collective hosted event, January 30, focused on labor strategy in the pandemic.
Chicago teachers fight for their safety – and ours
Tempest’s Elizabeth Lalasz interviews rank and file members of the Chicago Teachers Union about their latest showdown with Mayor Lori Lightfoot amidst the Omicron variant.
Double fault: Novak Djokovic vs. Australia
Dave Kellaway writes about the ongoing situation involving professional tennis player Novak Djokovic’s legal battle with the Australian government over his vaccination status.