Tag: Coronavirus
Zones of assault
Swati Birla and Kuver Sinha explore how the Modi government in India has shaped and compounded the extreme COVID-19 crisis there to benefit capital.
The market compels it
Restaurant worker Natalia Tylim discusses the experience of restaurant reopening in New York City this winter before broad vaccine distribution.
Working through it
Six socialist organizers discuss the challenges and opportunities facing workplace organizing in the age of COVID-19.
The most important week of our profession
Andy Sernatinger interviews five members of the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) about fighting for safe learning conditions in New York City Schools
Socialist strategy and worker resistance in the pandemic
Union and non-union socialist organizers discuss the challenges and opportunities facing workplace organizing in the age of COVID-19 and the role of socialist strategy in rebuilding workers’ ability to fight back.
Socialist strategy and workers’ resistance in the pandemic
Join the Tempest Collective for a discussion with workers who are on the frontlines of the resistance about strengthening and building solidarity with this movement and the role that socialists can play in it.
COVID-19 and the new normal
The authors look at how the 1% has responded to the pandemic and argues that socialists must help shape the fight for our lives.
A new era begins?
Chicago-based socialist and union activist, Joe Allen, assesses the current moment and the challenges and opportunities facing the Left.