Category: Review
The decolonized ear
Neil Rogall’s review was solicited by Tempest after seeing an abridged version posted on social media. While the book has been in print since 2015, the editors appreciated the politics and insights of the book, as highlighted in the review. We are grateful for Neil’s initial permission and revision and want to encourage the submission…
Remembering an icon of the resistance to settler colonialism
Brian Ward reviews David Correia’s new book on Larry Casuse and the struggle for Native liberation.
Class against class
Tim Goulet reviews Joe Burns’ new book Class Struggle Unionism and how it relates to the current state of the labor movement.
Capitalism isn’t coming to save us
Tempest Collective members Ricardo Gabriel, Thomas Hummel, and Adam Turl offer three different takes on the disaster movie Don’t Look Up.
The real threat to our democratic rights
Katie Feyh reviews No Free Speech for Fascists: Exploring ‘No Platform’ in History, Law, and Politics by David Renton.