Category: Readers’ Views
Criticisms and conditions in support for Palestinian resistance
Tom Dale responds to the Tempest editorial “Toward a free Palestine” and argues for clarifying what socialists mean by “unconditional but critical support” for national liberation struggles.
A response to Jonah ben Avraham’s “Support Palestinians when they fight…”
Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom respond critically to a recent article by Jonah Ben Avraham.
Settler colonial violence from the Dakota Uprising to Gaza
Brian Ward writes about the Dakota’s resistance to U.S. settler colonialism and its parallels with the current situation in Gaza.
Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson is not on our side
Joe Allen responds to a Tempest article on Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s role in passing a pro-Israel resolution before the city council.
Their indoctrination and ours
As the right wing tries to impose restrictions on what can be taught, Tyler Thier says that educators should fight back by exposing students to deliberately provocative material.
Time for DSA’s internationalists to show solidarity with Ukraine
Tempest reader John Lawrence writes in support of amendments to DSA convention proposals on internationalism and Ukraine solidarity.