Category: Article
Twenty years since 9/11
On the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Phil Gasper explains the historical relationship between U.S. imperialism and the jihadist groups in the Middle East.
Atlanta was a watershed
Pranav Jani examines the new wave of organizing against anti-Asian racism and why the Left must deepen our understanding of its impact and origins as we strive to build solidarity.
Never forget…Afghanistan
Rory Fanning wishes he had heard a rallying cry through a bullhorn after 9/11 that opposed imperialist war rather than advocated it. He is now working to make sure young people hear those arguments before having to learn, like him, through the experience of service in U.S. empire’s wars.
Tempest Solidarity Agreement
Over the course of our first year, the Tempest Collective has intentionally crafted structures and policies that we hope will facilitate a healthy and comradely political culture.