Author: Tempest
For a democratic DSA
A Tempest Collective statement advocating for an effort to transform DSA into a more democratic and political organization.
Fight the far right in the Biden era
Transcript of a public discussion hosted by the Tempest Collective on January 24.
Solidarity with the CTU!
Solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union as they stand against the unsafe opening of the schools.
The fight against the far right
Four socialist activists discuss the nature of the far right movement and how we can organize to defeat it.
Working through it
Six socialist organizers discuss the challenges and opportunities facing workplace organizing in the age of COVID-19.
How do we fight the far right?
On Sunday, October 11th, the Tempest Collective is sponsoring an online event dedicated to discussing how the left can fight the rise of the far-Right.
Socialist strategy and worker resistance in the pandemic
Union and non-union socialist organizers discuss the challenges and opportunities facing workplace organizing in the age of COVID-19 and the role of socialist strategy in rebuilding workers’ ability to fight back.
Socialist strategy and workers’ resistance in the pandemic
Join the Tempest Collective for a discussion with workers who are on the frontlines of the resistance about strengthening and building solidarity with this movement and the role that socialists can play in it.