Building the revolutionary left today

Tempest event

Tempest event, Sunday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. EDT

TThe question of revolutionary organization remains a central one for the left. What kinds of organizations are needed in the 21st century, what opportunities and obstacles exist for activists trying to build them, and what can we learn from recent experiences in different countries? Join us for a discussion of these questions with an international group of left-wing activists.

Rabab Elnaiem is the former spokesperson for the Sudanese Workers Alliance for the Restoration of Trade Unions (SWARTU) and co-founder of Ta-Marbouta podcast.

Andreu Coll is an Anticapitalistas militant in the Spansh state, a member of the FI Bureau, a contributor to Viento Sur, founder of Sylone Editorial, and a history teacher.

Luis Meiners is a socialist activist and sociologist from Argentina who is currently in New York City. He is a member of the Tempest Collective and the Movimiento Socialista de Trabajadores (MST), Argentinian section of the ISL.

Natalia Tylim is a founding member of the Tempest Collective based in New York City.

Join us via Zoom on Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 2:00pm EDT
