Socialist Perspectives for a World in Crisis

Just two years following the anti-racist uprisings in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, an emboldened political Right has made enormous gains: the reversal of Roe, the re-centering of law-and-order politics, and legislative attacks on queer and trans people. Meanwhile, economic fallout stemming from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, international imperialist ventures, and the accelerating climate crisis, has worsened life for ordinary people around the globe.
Join Tempest members for a discussion as we examine the political moment offering a socialist perspective on the global economy and imperialism; the state of U.S. politics; the state of anti-oppression struggles; and the state of labor. August 21st, 2-4pm ET.
  • Kristen Godfrey is a Black, non-binary community organizer and social worker who has worked alongside LGBTQ+ young people in after-school programs, community resource centers, and higher ed for nine years. She is a member of Tempest Collective, and a co-founding member of Thompson House Tucson, a socialist organization and mutual aid collective.
  • Elizabeth Lalasz is a registered nurse and steward with National Nurses United. She is a member of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America Labor Branch and the Tempest Collective.
  • Ashley Smith is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America in Burlington, Vermont. He has written in numerous publications including Tempest, Spectre, Truthout, Jacobin, and New Politics.
  • Andy Sernatinger is a socialist labor activist and frequent writer on issues in the Democratic Socialists of America. He is a member of the Tempest Collective.
Link to Facebook event