A Tempest-zine discussion w/ Lois Weiner

Capitalism and the changing classroom

As part of our bi-weekly discussion forum, the Tempest Collective hosts author Lois Weiner to discuss her recent article, “Capitalism and the changing class room,” this coming Tuesday evening.

Tempest recently published the second chapter of Lois Weiner’s forthcoming  – and as yet untitled – book. The bulk of analysis and writing on the topic of “Capitalism and the Changing Classroom,” especially on the Left, focuses either exclusively on important questions of pedagogy or the dynamics and functioning of  teachers unions.  In the course of her work, Weiner ignores neither, but additionally situates the classroom itself as a work-place, an aspect often ignored. In this chapter, Weiner explains why critically examining changes in education and teachers’ work is a powerful lens to detect what’s happened and planned in capitalism. The first chapter is published in New Politics as “Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work; Lessons for the Left.” Chapter Three will be published in Workers’ Liberty.

Please join Tempest and Lois Weiner for a discussion of the topic. The chapter under discussion can be found here.

Tuesday, June 7
at 8:00 p.m. EDT/ 7:00 p.m. CDT/ 5:00 p.m. PDT

Zoom registration link (event will be open to the public):