Socialist strategy and worker resistance in the pandemic

A video roundtable

On August 30, 2020, six socialist organizers met online to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing workplace organizing in the age of COVID-19 and the role of socialist strategy in rebuilding workers’ ability to fight back.

The coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis it triggered have laid bare the priorities of the capitalist system. It is our lives vs. their profits.

In the past five months, while the richest Americans have raked in $675 billion, millions of people out of work are on the brink of losing their homes, while many of those who still have jobs have been forced to work in unsafe conditions.

But workers have also been fighting back with protests, walkouts, and strikes, from teachers successfully battling school reopenings to Amazon workers fighting for health and safety measures.

Jonathan Bailey
Amazonians United/DSA-NYC

Migrant Justice speaker
Vermont farm worker

Kirstin Roberts
Chicago Teachers Union/DSA-Chicago

Natalia Tylim
A founder of the Restaurant Organizing Project/NYC-DSA

Dave Zirin
The Nation columnist and host of The Edge of Sports podcast.

Erica West (moderator)
Oakland social worker who works with youth involved in the criminal justice system/East Bay DSA

(Organizations listed for identification purposes only)